Customer Testimonials

I was pro se (unrepresented). Beverly Allen helped me with updating a judgement and drafting the paper work for filing a garnishment order. The garnishment order had to be very specific in language, due to the fact that this was a VA garnishment order. Beverly explained the steps and what other documents I needed to file in this case. She also showed me where to send the order and documents once they where filed into court. Beverly made sure that I had a clear understanding and made sure that I was well prepared for court. The following week, I went before a judge and presented my case, with fact finding documents, and won. My judgment was brought to current, and I was able to get my garnishment order signed by the judge.

Anonymous verified review

Beverly did a wonderful job at helping me locate my son and bring him home to me. I couldn't have asked for a better team to support me. Thank you very much!

Brett verified review

Beverly helped me through the toughest time in my life. She helped get my life back and I am a stronger better person today because Beverly helped me. I got everything I needed. She was there for me. It was a long ugly divorce but in the end it all worked out. I was never alone.

Jennifer verified review

I have never been through anything like my divorce before and Beverly got me through it with flying colors. She really knows her stuff. I got more time with my kids than I thought I would and I'm paying what I should in child support, not what my ex's lawyer insisted I pay. Very happy here. Thank you Beverly!

Gary verified review

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